

Snowdrops are for us about the memories of our life in Aberdeen, where we stayed over the winter when Colin Firth's P&P was on.  Fritillaria was also the one that evokes associations.   It was surely there but disappeared quietly.  Fritillaria could not survive the summer in our garden.  We are benefited by the breezes that go through our house from the south side rice fields and we can do without the air conditioner during the hot and humid summer days, but fritillaria  was more vulnerable than us.  Snowdrops seem to be stronger and they are the joy in February.  Soon after we came back from Britain, a garden in English style was our ambition.  Where have all those lambs ears, monarda, auricula, and many others gone?  We now know better and our plan is to have something like a tea garden, not an authentic one, but a mock tea garden.  Snowdrops are a remnant of that reckless horticultural ambition of imitating what the British proudly possess.