Entries from 2019-08-01 to 1 month

mantis on 7 July 2019

I realized I saw a small mantis more than one month ago. Is this him? Probably not. Can you recognize the green small onw? The leaves are shiso. How small he is!

mantis in action

look at the spider under his hands He is climbing up on the window magnificent He is paying attention to me! なんか文句ある、的?

small residents in the garden

Two of the most frequently encountered residents in the garden. Schlegel's green frog changes colours and he is brownish in the lower part of his body because he has been here on the brown window frame probably for a long time. The mantis …

Burrell Collection at Shizuoka

A part of Burrell Collection at Glasgow has come to Shizuoka. There is a very good BBC programme about Sir William Burrell: https://search.yahoo.co.jp/video/search;_ylt=A2RCxA7nbEpdzDsAwOuJBtF7?p=willam+burrell&fr=top_ga1_sa&ei=UTF-8 Large…


She is still weak and very thin, but she seems better. One day she can eat. The next day she vomits and cannot eat at all. This repeats.