
I have a lemon tree which bears nearly 100 fruits.  Before this I bought one or two that did not have or show us any flowers.  The trees only with leaves were bought at Sakata.  I always appreciate seeds and saplings from Sakata as they are of high quality.  And I like their sound and sober marketing.  But the lemon trees did not go well with our soil.  The successful tree was bought casually at a Jumbo Encho.  I did not expect it would flourish in this way.   Every year we have unwaxed organic lemons, which is luxury, though it is a result of our negligence.  We are not diligent enough to fight against the pests.  Harvesting from autumn till January, I cut them in quarters, picking the seeds for the have many, and freeze them to use for smoothies.  These frozen lemons are ideal for smoothies.  B is suspicious about smoothies, but he has come to accept them as something routinely taken for breakfast.
I added a Sicilian lemon tree last year after we visited Erice and Palermo in Sicily.  I hope it grows well and will give us much joy to talk about Sicily.  
I am a lemon lover who is silly enough to have lemons even if they damage lips.  Yes, lemons peel the thin skin of human lips.  There is only one person who said he loves lemons as much as I do.  He was just a small boy when I saw him at Sahoro years ago.  I wonder what his habit of eating is like now.
The lemon tree which was the source of aspiration in our neighbourhood died a few years ago.  it looked formidable and prosperous.  I hear lemon trees behave like that.  Mine will do the same, or is it too plebeian to follow the destiny of the tree owned by the great landowner?