Mobile phone

I switched from the old style mobile phone to a smartphone today.  I am now in the misty labyrinth
of too many possible functions of the versatile device.  I already miss the simple ガラケー.  What has made my situation difficult is the lack of instruction.  Last time I switched, which was more than six years ago, the docomo sales assistant was helpful and directed me to do whatever was necessary.   Today the assistant seemed to be disdainful when she saw my old phone and the bills -- my monthly payments were about 2,000 yen.  She treated me like an elderly ignorant woman, which was true, but I suppose a customer deserves a little more kindness.  I will visit the shop again to ask questions tomorrow.  I hope someone else will help me.  To have a new device is a pleasure indeed.  I hope I can enjoy it instead of complaining about its complexity.